Next.js Starter Template
Next.js starter template with TypseScript, ESLint, Prettier, Tailwind CSS, and Shadcn/ui
Included Features:
- Next.js 13.4: App Router and Server Actions
- Typescript
- Tailwind CSS
- shadcn/ui
- Lucide Icons
- Next Themes: light/dark toggler
- ESLint
- Prettier with imports and tailwindcss classes sorting
This template uses pnpm as the package manager. If you want to use other package managers, you can delete pnpm-lock.yaml and run npm install or yarn install.
- dev Start the development server
- build Build for production
- start Start production server
- preview Build and start production server
- lint Lint code
- format Format code
- format:check Check code formatting
- typecheck Check types
- ci-check Run all checks
PNPM Cheat Sheet
- pnpm install Install dependencies
- pnpm add <dependency> Add dependencies (-D for devDependencies)
- pnpm dlx <package> like npx
- pnpm run <script> Run scripts (or just pnpm <script> if there is no command conflict)
- pnpm update Update dependencies